Ashli's Page
Ode to Crush

7:45, you are there waiting.
Chillin' with my friends, though your grades ahead.
Walking, I think, "We're not even dating!"
Still I hug you, despite what my mind says.
Talk for just minutes, go our sep'rate ways.
Classes begin, though they're hard to enjoy.
I can't wait to see you later today,
Even though I'm chased by plenty of boys.
Walking to class, you are the one I'm with.
Kids give me looks like, "Do you guys go out?"
I shake my head no and say it's a myth.
But the way we act fills their heads with doubt.
I hope that this crush can maybe be more,
So years from now, my last name can be yours.
9/10/2010 01:39:49 am

This poem is really sweet. I doesn't use a lot of figurative language, but your use of sounds and rhyme scheme are very well done. I also like the meaning behind it. You made a simple high school crush poetic.

9/10/2010 02:34:25 am

Very very interesting. you have captured what most single people think about wen they see and talk to the one tey like. Ending "I hope that this crush can maybe be more,
So years from now, my last name can be yours." was very serious. great poem


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